Safe, comfort and changing needs as the child grows must be taken into consideration
Decorating a childs room can be one of the most enjoyable experiences for any homeowner.
It can also be one of the most challenging, considering that a childs needs change quickly as she grows from an infant to a teenager.
Interior designers suggest that for and infant up to age two, safety and comfort trump all other considerations.
But style is also important, and most children prefer a colourful environment with entertainment with entertaining themes. Storage space for toys is another key consideration.
Mayuri Thammakulangkul, design director for Bareo & Isyss, say that a childs room should help him or her grow up to became an organized adult. Therefore, room designs should focus on maximizing space for storage.
She noted that most Thai parents begins separating rooms for their children from the age of eight. Creating a theme and choosing colours is a staring point for a childs room. Furniture should be matched to a childs age
Parents have a lot to play with. The theme may be adventurous or fun, and colours can be striking or pale. The room should have roomy storage for items such as toys, cartoons and books, she says.
While paining offers parents a do-it-yourself option, they may need professional assistance in choosing the right furniture.
The furniture must be practical and fit into the room plan. Its design and colour should be congruous to the room concept. Some furniture pieces look pretty, but may not match the room concept, Ms. Mayuri say.
With small children, the most important issue is safety. Furniture must have round corners and the bed should have a high curve to prevent tots from falling off. A small childs wardrobe should have low-hanging rails so that she can help herself with clothing.
For older children, the design should maximize space in the room by utilising space under the bed or chairs as additional storage to cupboards and shelves, Ms. Mayuri says.
Parents should talk to their children to find out their favourite themes and colours, using the clues as a starting point for the design. You would be surprised how much a three-year-old knows about his or her tastes.
Themes such as space, airplanes and jungles are ideal for small children aged between three and ten.
As for colours, a girlish theme doesnt need to be flowery or pink: a pale sugar tone can make the room look equally feminine.
To break away from the old pattern, lilac can substitute for pink, and a soft leafy green can substitute for the usual pale yellow.
Experts suggest that parents focus on close-door cupboards rather than open shelves since the room should be peaceful at night with no items to tempt a child.
In a childs room, opt for painted walls rather than wallpaper. Photographs and art crafts can be used for display. Apart from design, the bed and mattres are the top priorities for pre-teen children, followed by storage.
A youngsters room also provides an opportunity for parents to try out some creative DIY approaches. For example, wrapping carved paper over a lamp could cast an interesting light to highlight a childs room.
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Bangkok Post : By Parista yuthamanop , 15 October 2007